Approved Pesticide List

Why we have split plantations and nurseries?

In commercial forestry, the same tree species are grown in the nursery as are grown out in field. However, different environmental conditions and intensification of the growing system could result in a different suite of pests in a nursery environment but not among timber plantations.

Due to the higher temperatures and relative humidities in the nursery environment, there is a greater chance of fungal outbreaks. For this reason, fungicides would be used in a nursery but not in-field.

In South Africa, our legislation is quite strict with regard to the registration of pesticides. In the Approved List you will find icons, denoting commercial plantation, conservation areas, and nurseries. These indicate the areas where the pesticides are registered to be used and can only be lawfully used.

Commercial plantations

Conservation areas


All information provided in the APL was correct at time of publishing. The information has passed all TIPWG checks and conforms to other certifications’ policies, where necessary, for South African plantations and nurseries. All products appearing on the APL are registered under the Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act 36 of 1947 and have an L number.

APL published 2018 version 30

Please note that the TIPWG APL is recommended for use in the Industry as the BOP based on South African legislation and Certification bodies requirements. Companies may have their own APL and these will need to adhered to within the company and / or on the company’s land holdings.

Additional Graphics: Forestry, (used for ‘in the plantation’), by iconsphere; Bulrushes, (used for ‘in conservation areas’), by Nikita Kozin; Protect Seedling, (used for ‘in nurseries’) by Chris Homan from the Noun Project.