
Very simplistically, herbicides, also commonly known as weed killers, are chemical substances used to control unwanted plants. Selective herbicides control specific weed species, while leaving the desired crop relatively unharmed, while non-selective herbicides (sometimes called “total weed killers” in commercial products) can be used to clear waste ground, industrial and construction sites, railways and railway embankments as they kill all plant material with which they come into contact.



Uses:For Pine and Eucalypt compartments and industrial areas only
(apart from Series 240).

An emulsifiable concentrate herbicide for the post-emergence control of annual grasses.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
CLE240 ECSharda InternationalL1135299129-21-2
Poquer 120 EC Adama South Africa (Pty) LtdL9008
Select 120 ECArysta LifeScience South Africa (Pty) LtdL634399129-21-2
Tarmax 120 ELEnviro BiochemL10798
VegaMeridian Agrochemical Company (Pty) LtdL926599129-21-2


Clopyralid pyridine compound

Uses:For the control of A.mearnsil and other weeds listed on the label. Only in Eucalypts and Pine.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
ZoneArysta LifeScienceL9916
Notes:Always read the label. Only Zone can be used in Conservation Areas.

Clopyralid monoethanolamine salt

Uses:For the control of A.mearnsil and other weeds listed on the label. Only in Eucalypts and Pine.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Lancer 100 SLFuture Farms and Forest ServicesL942357754-85-5



Uses:A selective, emulsifiable systemic weed killer for the post–emergence control of certain grasses in broadleaf and forestry crops.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Focus Ultra BASF South Africa (Pty) LtdL431964742-94-5



Uses:A herbicide for pre-emergence control of annual broadleaf weeds.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Flumo 480 SCDVA ChemicalL10926103361-09-7
Sumimax WP Philagro South Africa (Pty) LtdL6358103361-09-7

Fluroxypyr meptyl ester

Fluroxypyr meptyl ester / picloram

Uses:A systemic micro-emulsion herbicide for the control of woody plants and weeds.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Gladiator 160 ME Future Farm & Forest Services & Supplies (Pty) Ltd L984681406-37-3 and 1918-02-1
Notes:Always ensure that there is a buffer zone between any riparian zone, specifically open bodies of water, and the area the pesticide is to be applied. Also take into account crops further downstream.

Fluroxypyr meptyl ester

Uses:An emulsifiable concentrate selective herbicidefor the control of woody weeds.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Sabre 200 EC Future Farm & Forest Services & Supplies (Pty) Ltd L984581406-37-3
Voloxypyr 200 EC Arysta LifeScience South Africa (Pty) Ltd L777669377-81-7
Tomahawk 200 EC Adama South Africa (Pty) LtdL665281406-37-3
FriXon Erintrade cc t/a R.T.Chemicals L839981406-37-3
Notes:Read the label - not all products can be used in conservation and industrial areas.

Fluroxypyr meptyl ester + Triclopyr butoxy ethyl ester

Uses:A systemic emulsifiable concentrate herbicide for the control of problem plants.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Impala 480 ECArysta LifeScience South Africa (Pty) Ltd L987981406-37-3 and 64700-56-7


Glyphosate (glycine)(glyphosate ammonium salt)

Uses:A soluble concentrate non-selective systemic post-emergence herbicide with slight or no soil activity for the control of perennial and annual weeds.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Roundup Weather Max BayerL806570901-12-1
Slash 710 SG Villa Crop Protection (Pty) LtdL845040465-66-5
Grafton 540 SLDNA Plant ScienceL1103370901-12-1
Notes:TIPWG does not endorse the use of glyphosate for the purpose of tracer belt preparation.

Roundup Weather Max is not stipulated for use in a nursery setting.

Read the label - not all products can be used in compartments, conservation areas, industrial settings and nurseries.

Glyphosate isopropylamine salt

Uses:A systemic herbicide for the control of weeds and grasses.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Seismic 510 SLArysta LifeScience South AfricaL919438641-94-0
TumbleweedEnviro IndustriesL478138641-94-0
Notes:TIPWG does not endorse the use of glyphosate for the purpose of tracer belt preparation.

Please note Tumbleweed is now POE-T free and can be used in compartments, conservation and industrial areas.

Read the label - not all products can be used in compartments, conservation areas, industrial settings and nurseries.

Glyphosate (glycine) (glyphosate potassium salt)

Uses:A soluble concentrate non-selective systemic post-emergence herbicide with slight or no soil activity for the control of perennial and annual weeds. Only Roundup Turbo registered for conservation areas.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Muscle Up K500 SLRolfes AgriL869870901-12-1
Panga PlusVilla Crop ProtectionL88181071-83-6
Roundup TurboBayerL7166
Sharda Glyphosate 540 SLSharda International L1074570901-12-1
Slash High-Load 600 SL Villa Crop Protection (Pty) LtdL973470901-12-1
Slash Plus 540 SLVilla Crop Protection (Pty) LtdL881970901-12-1
Touchdown Forte HiSyngenta South Africa (Pty) LtdL730570901-12-1
Notes:TIPWG does not endorse the use of glyphosate for the purpose of tracer belt preparation.

Read the label - not all products can be used in compartments, conservation areas, industrial settings and nurseries.

Glyphosate ammonium salt

Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Piranha Dry Farm AgL95931071-83-6
Notes:TIPWG does not endorse the use of glyphosate for the purpose of tracer belt preparation.

Read the label - not all products can be used in compartments, conservation areas, industrial settings and nurseries.

Glyphosate N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine

Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Double Up 540 SLEnviro BiochemL112951071-83-6
Kalach 510 SLArysta LifeScience South Africa (Pty) LtdL83111071-83-6
Kilo Max 700 WSGArysta LifeScience South Africa (PTY) LtdL83101071-83-6
Kilo WSGArysta LifeScience South Africa (Pty) LtdL74311071-83-6
Muscle Up Fizz 500 STRolfes AgriL113581071-83-6
Piranha 510 SLFarm AgL93141071-83-6
Notes:TIPWG does not endorse the use of glyphosate for the purpose of tracer belt preparation.

Read the label - not all products can be used in compartments, conservation areas, industrial settings and nurseries.


Haloxyfop-P-methyl ester

Uses:An emusifiable concentrate selective, systemic emergence herbicide for the control of annual grasses.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS Number
Noctus 540 ECDVA ChemicalsL1091572619-32-0



Uses:A water soluble non-selective herbicide for the control of perennial and annual weed plants.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Arborex CarabinerL877781334-34-1
Eco-Imazapyr 100 SL Future Farm & Forest Services & Supplies (Pty) LtdL820281334-34-1
Spear 240 SLAdamaL910181510-83-0



Uses:For Pine and Eucalypt compartments.

A suspension concentrate herbicide for the pre-emergence and early post-emergence control of annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds.
Yellow nutsedge may also be controlled under favourable conditions.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Sultan 50 SC AMADA South Africa (Pty) Ltd L689267129-08-2



Uses:A water dispersible granular herbicide for the control of certain broad-leaved weeds as well as invader weeds. Note, only Forester registered for use in compartments.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Forester Arysta LifeScience South Africa (Pty) Ltd L889174223-64-6
Metsulfuron Enviro BiochemL946774223-64-6
Prism Max 600 WGMeridian Agrochemical Company (Pty) LtdL884674223-64-6
Starkem 600 WGDVA Chemicals South AfricaL869774223-64-6
Notes:Forester and Alliance can be used in a compartment setting.

No aerial application of Alliante 600 WDG, Ambition, Climax, Forester, Nicanor, or Starkem 600 at all, not even conservation areas.

Brush-off, Jewel and Prism Max 600 WG can be used aerially for the control of E.grandis coppice in conservation areas only.

Picloram potassium salt

Picloram potassium salt

Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Browser Arysta LifeScience South Africa (Pty) LtdL73571918-02-1
Notes:Always ensure there is a buffer zone between any riparian zone (specifically open bodies of water) and the area the pesticide is to be applied. Also take into account crops further downstream.

Picloram potassium salt / Triclopyr trimethylamine salt

Uses:A ready-to-use water based gel, paint-on systemic herbicide acting through cut surfaces of certain woody plants.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Kaput 100 Gel Arysta LifeScience South Africa (Pty) LtdL88552545-60-0 and 57213-69-1
Notes:Always ensure there is a buffer zone between any riparian zone (specifically open bodies of water) and the area the pesticide is to be applied. Also take into account crops further downstream.

Picloram Potassium Salt /

Uses:A ready-to-use water based gel, paint-on systemic herbicide acting through cut surfaces of certain woody plants.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
MafiaAgriTech BioScienceL972481406-37-3 and
Notes:Always ensure there is a buffer zone between any riparian zone (specifically open bodies of water) and the area the pesticide is to be applied. Also take into account crops further downstream.


Triclopyr butoxy ethyl ester

Uses:A systemic emulsifiable concentrate herbicide for the control of woody plants and weeds.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Nuvogon 480 EC Future Farm & Forest Service & Supplies (Pty) LtdL670464700-56-7
Triclopyr 480 Enviro BiochemL788464700-56-7
Trimax EMeridian Agrochem ComL766664700-56-7
Tripyr 480 ECVilla Crop Protection (Pty) LtdL1011264700-56-7
Turbodor 29 MPAFuture Farm and Forest Serv.L1036564700-56-7
ViroaxeEnviro Industries (Pty) LtdL666364700-56-7
Vulture 480 ECFarm AgL10047
Notes:Read the label not all can be used in conservation areas or industrial areas.

Triclopyr triethylamine salt

Uses:A water soluble herbicide with systemic action for the control of plant species.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Lumberjack 360 SL Arysta L729555335-06-3
Timbrel 360 SL Dow AgroSciences Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd L491757213-69-1

Triclopyr butoxy ethyl ester and Aminopyralid

Uses:A systemic oil in water emulsion concentrate herbicide for the control of woody plants as listed for forestry, grass pastures, conservation and industrial areas.
Trade nameRegistration holderRegistration numberCAS number
Aminox CarabinerL1072464700-56-7 and 566191-87-5
Garlon Max 270 EWDow AgroSciences Southern Africa (Pty) LtdL851164700-56-7 and 150114-71-9