Plantations APL


TIPWG version 33 Effective date September 2020


  1. ALWAYS, ALWAYS read the label before use. The following needs to be taken note of:
    1. Witholding periods
    2. Recommended adjuvants
    3. Re-cropping warnings

  2. Nursery use indicates use in holding nurseries too.
  3. TIPWG does not condone the use of glyphosate for the prepartion of tracer belts or any fire break activity.
  4. Use of products in plantation is indicated with an X. Where a E,P or W is indicated, this denotes Eucalyptus, Pine or Wattle specifically.
  5. Industrial use includes use in nursery’s for walk-ways and under beds. These products can also be used for workshops, around buildings and along fence lines.
  6. Note that all information in this list is correct at the time of publishing and has been sourced from manufacturers labels.