TIPWG News: Congratulations Professor Keith Little

Most of you will already know TIPWG’s research associate, Professor Keith Little, Senior Researcher and Lecturer at Nelson Mandela University (NMU).

For those who don’t, Keith is heavily involved in NMU’s Forestry Programme specialising in Silviculture Research. Keith is also an invaluable member of the TIPWG team and, as Research Associate, is responsible for many of the TIPWG-funded research programmes and projects.

Keith recently presented the findings of seven years’ worth of paraquat trials, at the Crop Production, Soil Science, Horticultural Sciences and Weed Science Combined Congress in Bloemfontein. His presentation focused on FSA and TIPWG-funded research regarding pelargonic acid as a potential replacement for paraquat, and received the SASCP Award for the Best Paper Presented in Crop Protection.

We would like to say a huge well done to Keith, who not only conducts great research but also presents them brilliantly on multidisciplinary stage.

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