Credit where credit is due

TIPWG is undoubtedly a group effort. We have a core team which leans on a much wider network of volunteers and associated experts. It is thanks to their willingness that we are able to achieve all that we do and we greatly appreciate each and every one of them. In any large network of people, there has to be a ‘lynch pin’. A single person responsible for holding it all together, knowing when to delegate and when to personally step up to the challenge. Someone willing, and able, to carry the burden of ultimate responsibility.

In TIPWG, this person is Roger Poole. We could not ask for a better ‘Master and Commander’ to steer our ship. Taking over the TIPWG Chair must have been like being thrown in the deep-end, but Roger has shown he can evolve and adapt, not only to survive but thrive. An expert in his own field, Roger could now classify himself as a highly-organised and politically-savvy website-buff and research-fundi. He is also a great TIPWG chair and wonderful friend, whose guidance, and humour, has been very much appreciated over the past year.

Thank you Roger.
Jacqui, Katy and the whole TIPWG team

/ Getting to know TIPWG